A leader investing in other leaders.




Simple tasks every day

The biggest accomplishments in real estate are executing the easiest and simplest of tasks, every day.

Whenever you represent somebody else, you are wise to make constant reference to always remain disciplined whether it’s for an investment or rental property.


Real estate is a business based on referrals. There is no substitute for great word of mouth advertising. Recovering the ancient art of writing, yes, handwriting letters to your clients create a significant impact.

Become disciplined in getting people to think about you by thinking of them first. If you want someone to do more, then you need to do more than just thinking about them.

Take it to another level

In addition to writing a handwritten letter to your customer, send them a gift. One that shows that you were listening and recalled a relevant event in their life. For example, if you knew a client’s daughter graduated from college, you might send that person a journal and pen along with a handwritten letter for the parent to give to the child saying, “I hope you got as much out of it as I did.”

This message is meaningful because you tracked and listened to past conversations. It is just the kind of gesture that when they get the opportunity, they will thank you.

Create a fan club

When you have as few as 10 or 20 people who are looking to repay the simple gestures in life, you have created a tribe.

The message today is to ask ourselves, are we doing the simple things to build deep relationships? The big money winners in real estate are the ones who give big referrals and have many people talking about their reputation. You have to create a fan club of people who are talking about you behind your back in a positive way, those who are looking for opportunities to repay the simple gestures in life.

The biggest accomplishments in real estate come from the simplest things.